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মূল বিষয়বস্তু

উভয় পাশে চলক বিশিষ্ট সমীকরণ: 20-7x=6x-6

এখানে 20 - 7x = 6x - 6 সমীকরণটির সমাধান করা হয়েছে। এটি তৈরি করেছে স্যাল (সালমান) খান এবং মনেটারি ইন্সটিটিউট ফর টেকনোলজি অ্যান্ড এডুকেশন

আলোচনায় অংশ নিতে চাও?

কোন আলাপচারিতা নেই।
ইংরেজি জানো? খান একাডেমির ইংরেজি সাইটে আরো আলোচনা দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক কর।

ভিডিও ট্রান্সক্রিপ্ট

now watch a 20-7 Boone x equals to 6 Boone X minus 6 a monarchy xml vehicle Tommy I'm gonna xoj tonganoxie she will ok or third minus 7x a 16 x que bom puccini a bone 20 Oh minus xk done passion is room according to show my uncle tea party jewnicorn till mama she 20 up say it take a bug typically a model minus 20 Richter babe normal Isla minus twenty g-20 shoemaker own tile over pasta ki minus 20 kotha hobe a commutative am passionate it's minus twenty hundred and partially t minus 20 a queen vampish a 21-20 get a Hamish window Buckingham pitch with 2 minus 7x jam rashad ashwini j- chain towel a minus 78 c is equal to tampa shut up Chase 66 are many clump 66 a good minus 6 evil minus 20 million hobby minus 26 dolly bumper xi minus a Venetian 100 on Bashir 6x minus 26 I'm Reba be licked / d minus 7x equals to 6x minus 26 f cumbre extent guru K Bamba shonta Jai Kali done pushy 66 ticket minus 6x licked up a a boom-boom basher minus 6 exporter babe minus 7x even minus 6 is the camera Pabu minus 13x really Clemens card enix party mix is equals to 6 6 minus 6 6 get your be 0 jar Metallica Commodore carne a bond market official do minus 26 John ray communicated Chi tanayama pila minus 13 x equals to minus 26 i'm rex in one vehicle teach I if any excess 20-13 guna biopsy a melody bumper xi minus 13 DM jacorey the only shoot we expose minus 13 k 13 debug code chambre minus 13 k minus 13 debacle a memorable shoot weeks a wound on passion on the minus 26 e minus 13 de mercado pago to tal am raccoon buggin cause to Cory niebuhr tally amadou bamba shut up to 3x minus 13-13 katie a bomb damper cerebellum minus 26 r minus 13 is equals to 2 or tata madiba quarantine order log x is equals to 2 f new militia mukunda chica chica Natanz article tahole I'm not poor mesh unicorny x equals 2 to wash I I'm on the show me coordinates a 20-7 eggs a mac makes each other to washable or tab 20-7 ghum X in Java Sea to even done paso aqui para xmm to washable 6 cool 2-6 a [ __ ] viste que viste que 712 imran do corvo with TBI esche minus 7 12 is equal to 14 domina pelham six a bandana she seems went to medieval Oh 12 Evan marketer 2-6 even the camera pelham six chakana amadou bamba shivam dan posh of a possible avello atomisation Shah Mardan teach horticulture